Causes of varicose veins and its development.

In the normal movement of blood in the human body that actively works as the arteries that supply blood down, and the vein, which returns its top – two circles of blood circulation, which, they say, that is still in school, when studying human anatomy. The process of venous circulation "runs" the heart, like everything else in our body, and by the United work of the heart muscle and blood rises. Blood was rising with the aftershocks, with clip on certain sites where the blood vessels are valves that do not allow blood to fall down.


With the active movement of persons, for example, when walking, the muscles regularly contract and relax, providing the blood flow from the lower valve for the valve, which is located above the vein, etc, This description of the normal flow of blood through the veins, but if the valve is not fully reduced when the walls of the veins are stretched, if the lumen in the vein is wider, then there is a reverse blood flow, which causes disturbances in the blood vessels. This disease is veins called varicose. Take a closer look at what this disease is, what are the causes and possible prevention of varicose veins.


The valves are the only connection (communication) veins connect the superficial and deep veins. Working full valves "pass" of the blood in the deep veins, but do not allow her back to her through the blood vessels. The enlargement of the vein between the valves closed, a small gap which allows the blood to return to the deep or superficial veins.


The accumulation of blood leads to further stretching of the vessel walls, and the clearance between the valves increases. Refluxes – pathological countercurrents in the surface veins can bring about the formation of stars, then formed a vein node, which already from under the skin, and the vicious cycle of disease continues. Break out of this circle without the help of doctors, using only creams and pills is impossible.

Vienna will never be reduced to the desired diameter, because the elasticity of its walls is lost, the disease or slow down or to stop with the surgery. Symptoms of varicose veins, its causes, treatment – is necessary to know more on the proper way of life has become your principle, and only then for health will be moderated, and its development may contain.

The mistake work of the venous valves due to adverse factors affecting the man, and the wrong way of life, is only one of the factors. Vienna does not have its system of compression-release to push blood to work in your muscles.

If muscles are not active due to sedentary work, a person who is immobility, lack of exercise regular walking, many hours of sitting behind the wheel or on the computer screen, then "earn" the disease is possible without the presence of a genetic predisposition. You should know that varicose veins causes of the disease not only changes that occur in the veins of the legs, this is a complex change that affects the entire human body.


Visible symptoms of varicose veins appear much later as the disease itself, so that, if your relatives were the symptoms of the disease should be considered and tested by the doctor-phlebologist is necessary. Various causes of varicose veins cause some confusion in the medical world, because it was always true, that is the best way to prevent the disease is its prevention. In the case of varicose vein prevention could not be considered 100% means, because it is the main cause of varicose veins is heredity.


Regardless, who from the family had problems with the veins, where was located the problem areas, the disease is localized in any place in Vienna, in the groin, leg or anus. In the presence of the gene responsible for this disease, the disease can shows itself at any age. Of course, the more common varicose veins of the lower extremities, but that does not deny the possibility of manifestations of the disease in any part of the body.

The reasons for development of varicose veins, the speed and severity of the disease depends on the behavior of the patient, his insistence to be treated and maintain the necessary life. Weak vein walls can be healthy in the absence of adverse factors, Vienna will not be extended if there is a reason for this. In addition to heredity distinguish other causes of the disease are:

  1. Sedentary or immobile (people with disabilities), the way of life.
  2. Gender – in women the disease is more common.
  3. Hours of driving, computer work, including all trades, forcing the person sitting on during long time.
  4. Heavy physical exertion, of a permanent nature (athletes, porters, and other professions where people are constantly forced to stand still – hairdressers, salesmen, carpenters, joiners, etc).
  5. In high heels, carrying heavy bags and so on.
  6. The absence of change of activity during a daily cycle, a monotonous static work.

This is just a small list of the causes of the disease, therefore, should be on a regular basis, such as survey phlebologist, especially in cases when the weight in the legs or swelling. And if your relatives on any of the lines were such a problem, a specialist should be your observing physician as soon as possible to prevent progression of the disease.

If you do not deal with the treatment of varicose veins, after venous veins on the legs, to the hospital bed will require very little time, and between man and painful death would be the only way of salvation, a surgical scalpel.

Doctors have found 6 main stages of varicose veins:

  • Nothing stage, when gradually the symptoms similar symptoms of varicose veins is the weight in the legs, swelling, and sometimes seizures during night sleep or rest. In accordance with the study of the Doppler or visual detection of the presence of disease is not possible.
  • Stage 1 – symptoms remain, they add venous stars, venous pronounced grid on the legs.
  • Phase 2 or phase of this disease when a person can see under the skin nodules of blue color or thick veins. Sometimes it is felt in the muscles so, to change the position of the body. Because they are nodules, then it is the stagnation of the blood in the deep veins, which promote the formation of blood clots.
  • Stage 3 is the emergence of a strong edema in the evening. In the morning, the swelling may not be, but also during the day, they're back, painful feet, frequent cramps.
  • Stage 4 is characterized by the appearance of trophic nodules, which can move quickly to the stage of ulcers. The color of the skin on the soles of the feet changes to a dark brown, almost black. Can develop skin atrophy, trophic ulcers.
  • Stage 5 – all of the above symptoms, the past and the newly-opened trophic ulcer.
  • Stage 6 – is the presence of a constant trophic ulcers, are prone to expansion and deepening.

The operation can be carried out in stage 1, when the wall of small vessels glued with a special introduction of the injectable composition. With laser coagulation of the adhesive to large vessels. In both cases, the recovery after the surgery wearing a special Jersey, the refusal of the high heel, in addition, absolutely can not lift weights. In more complicated surgical operations on the veins, surgeons make an individual appointment for a period of rehabilitation.


Actually, the majority of patients with this diagnosis are women, and parous or women who are obese, the risk is "on" varicose veins of the lower extremities, which is much higher than those who regularly goes in for sports and walks is a lot. Hormonal drugs during treatment of infertility, or menopause, can also cause the rapid development of varicose veins.


Women are 2-3 times more prone to the disease than men. Hormonal therapy is another factor that can trigger disease, because of the yellow body hormone that relaxes the muscles, relieves muscular spasms, but this action extends to the venous walls. Inflammation in the pelvic organs and cause of disease.

Women wearing shoes with high heels, which are on the edge. But to be honest, the visual distinction of the 7–cm heel 11 cm heavy, therefore it is recommended that you wear shoes with low heels or intermittent. The majority of women are either sedentary work or repetitive work associated with one position of the body. When sedentary work must arrange a one hour walk, with a standing work – comfortable vacation at least once per hour. Light gymnastics and massage of the feet will also not excessive.


Typically, the disease affects the truck drivers who are forced to spend a lot of hours behind the wheel. There are people involved in sport with high physical demands, construction workers, longshoremen and those who are forced to work, while maintaining a single body position. High intra-abdominal pressure during weight lifting, which causes failure of the vascular valve, and the pressure in the veins of the constant sitting position of the body. In addition, men do not tend to pay a lot of attention on the appearance of their legs than women, so go to the doctor in late stages of the disease.

Not knowing that varicose veins can affect not only the legs but also other authorities, people may get varicose veins of the spermatic cord – varicocele, the disease, which affects one in ten men in the country. Infertility is the result of disease, although surgery can correct the situation.


Frequent constipation during pregnancy, prolonged coughing, severe sneezing with the colds create the preconditions for the emergence of varicose veins in the veins that run along the rectum. In fact, this disease is hemorrhoids which can suffer anyone. It is necessary to immediately treat hemorrhoids, eat right, move a lot, to avoid the pathology of the veins in this region. It is important to remember that where any disease: prevention and treatment it is necessary to add a special way of life, taking into account the specificities of the disease.



Everything can trigger varicose veins in adults also applies to adolescents. In puberty in boys 14-15 years varicocele is manifested due to the special structure of the body, increased hormones, nervous overloads, associated with physical or emotional stress. The arterial-venous fistulas, or holes between blood vessels can cause the beginning of varicose veins in the legs.

In girls before menstruation, you may also experience swelling in the legs, pain and heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen, in the legs, which rapidly disappear after cessation of the discharge. Frequent constipation due to improper diet, desire to lose weight, can also cause the appearance of varicose veins.